Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Smarty phone

Just got my first smartphone so this is my first phone post from my Samsung Captivate. Im not sure how this will affect my blogging, but I should really be doing some faceups...

Oh! I wanted to start a new weekly post about something that made me smile.during the week. I figure it would be something that might help.me as well.as others stay positive. So let's start with last week.

Although this may seem obvious if this were you, it still made me smile to see someone with an extra toe having painted all her toenails hot pink. Of course she would but it's still cute.

The other thing I saw last week was a wee surprise in a brown box kept in the window pf a wholesale Chinese food supply store. A little baby sparrow was hopping around inside a cardboard box labeled 'BIRDEY INSIDE, PLEASE GENTLE '. It was well provided with a little straw nest and someone had cleverly fashioned a little room for it to hide in. Seems like they probably found it fallen out of it's nest. Now if I had this phone when I saw it, you guys would be treated to a photo. Maybe next time then.

After writing this out I realize this is way too slow so I probably won't be doing much phone blogging.

Stay tuned for a series of posts about materials I use.

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